Notification to toxicology ECHA-PCN


We request notification to Toxicology

  • We are specialists in the notification to Toxicology of chemical products
  • At the European Poison Centers (ECHA PCN, EEC member states)
  • Toxicological Notification to CE and Spain
  • Notification to Poison Centers (PCN- POISON CENTERS NOTIFICATION):

In accordance with Article 45 of the CLP Regulation, companies that market dangerous mixtures are obliged to provide information on certain dangerous mixtures to the relevant national bodies. National agencies make this information available to poison control centers so that they can advise the public or medical personnel in the event of an emergency. Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation, adopted in March 2017, defines the harmonized requirements for poison center notifications (PCN) applicable as of January 1, 2021 *.

The Implementing Regulation incorporates two main elements:

Harmonized format for reporting to designated bodies: a common EU format has replaced the existing national reporting requirements. The information to be provided refers to the chemical composition of hazardous mixtures, the identification and concentration ranges of the components, the toxicological information and the product category according to a European Product Classification System (EuPCS, for its harmonized. The Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) - The UFI is a unique code that is printed on the product label. It creates an unambiguous link between a marketed product and the information on that specific mixture sent to Poison Information Centers, so that the chemical formulation of the product can be accurately and quickly identified. Accurate identification is necessary to provide appropriate mitigating measures in the event of an emergency call.

Places of interest:

Questions and answers - ECHA website    


The countries BELGIUM and LUXENBURG have been added to the PCN-ECHA portal 01/16/2022

This is good news, because they are among the last countries to join the European portal.

 Overview of Member States decisions in relation to implementation of Annex VIII to CLP Regulation (Poison Centre Notification)

If you are going to launch new products on the market you need to notify Toxicology.

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